For when those He had chosen
And went their own way,
He looked for,
And found,
More faith
In a heathen widow
Than in a nation
Of professedly
God fearing men.
Our story begins
When Elijah the Tishbite,
Prophet of God,
Delivered this message
To wicked king Ahab,
Ruler of reprobate Israel.
"As the LORD God
Of Israel lives,
Before whom I stand,
There shall not be
Dew nor rain
These years,
Except at my word."1 Kings 17:1
Then he ran and hid
By a little brook,
As the Lord instructed him to.
Brought him food,
And there was an abundance
Of water to drink.
But eventually,
The creek dried up.1 Kings 17:7
Now what?
" 'Arise,
Go to Zarephath,
Which belongs to Sidon,
And dwell there,'
The LORD said.
I have commanded
A widow there
To provide for you.' "1 Kings 17:9 KJV/NKJV
So he arose.
And went.
And indeed
A widow was gathering sticks
By the city gate.
But was she the one?
And if so,
How would he know?
All he could do was ask,
So he said,
"Please bring me
A little water in a cup,
That I may drink."