And they gather them
And throw them
Into the fire,
And they are burned."John 15:5-6
And then
For added emphasis
He added,
"By this
My Father is glorified,
That you bear much fruit;
So you will be
My disciples."John 15:8
"That you bear much fruit."
It still resounds today!
But how can we be
More productive vines
Or fruitful trees
From day to day?
For in the Sermon on the Mount
The Savior also spoke
Of bearing fruit this way,
"Even so,
Every good tree
Bears good fruit,
But a bad tree
Bears bad fruit.
A good tree
Cannot bear bad fruit,
Nor can a bad tree
Bear good fruit.
Every tree
That does not bear
Good fruit
Is cut down
And thrown into the fire.
By their fruits
You will know them."Matthew 7:17-20
The good fruit,
Is the Fruit of the Spirit
Of course.Galatians 5:22-23
But does the Word of God
Enumerate the bad?
"Now the works
Of the flesh
Are evident,
Which are: