But not
By being focused
On ourselves.Jeremiah 7:3-7Isaiah 1:16-18
Because the river
That he dipped in
Was never
Focused on itself.
Nor does any river
Ever cease to feed the needs
Of everybody else.Ezekiel 47:9
And nor will we,
If we immerse ourselves
In the spirit of the river
Seven times.Philippians 2:3-8
In the spirit
Of He who,
Like a Mighty River,Exodus 17:1-61 Corinthians 10:1-4
Is always focused
On the needs
Of everybody else!John 3:16-171 John 4:7-12
But how
Can simply seeking
To encourage others
Help us find the courage
Or discover
How to overcome the things
That seem so hard
To overcome?
Or how
Can softly-spoken
Words of kindness
Help us finally put
The things behind us
That always seem to conquer
And confound us
All the time?
Simply put,
It's because
The change of heart
That has to happen
For us to want to feed
The needs of others
All the time
Is the very same
Change of heart
That has to happen
For us to want to heed
The Holy Spirit
And to serve the Lord
With all the powers
Of our mind.Ezekiel 36:25-27Matthew 22:35-40
One change of heart
Cannot occur
Without the other,
For they are both