But Jesus
Gently pointed out
Whose needs
We really need to be
More focused on instead
When He said,
Desires to become great
Among you
Shall be your servant.
And whoever of you
Desires to be first
Shall be slave of all.
For even the Son of Man
Did not come
To be served,
But to serve,
And to give His life
A ransom for many."Mark 10:43-45
By the grace of God,
We, too,
Can learn to be
A faithful waiter,
And we, too,
Can learn to feed the needs
Of one another
And thereby
Emulate our lowly
Who Himself,
Always sought
To feed the needs
Of others first.Matthew 11:29Philippians 2:5-8
For only then,
Can we ever start
To comprehend
Why the Master
Of the Universe
Will one day condescend
To set aside His royal robes
And regal crown,
And stoop
To serve the needs
Of all His loyal servants
Whom He Himself
Has seated
At His supper table.
Are those servants
Whom the Master,
When He comes,
Will find watching.
I say to you