"Now in the morning,
As He returned
To the city,
He was hungry.
And seeing a fig tree
By the road,
He came to it
And found nothing on it
But leaves,
And said to it,
'Let no fruit
Grow on you
Ever again.'
The fig tree
Withered away.
And when the disciples
Saw it,
They marveled,
'How did the fig tree
Wither away
So soon?' "Matthew 21:18-20
Pray tell,
Did Jesus
Seem to say something
That sounded so
Because if fruit
Was truly out of season,Mark 11:13
Then why curse
The fig tree?
To understand,
We need to know a few
Fig tree facts
Fig trees
Bear two crops.
The breba crop,
Matures in early Spring
Before the leaves appear.
It is very small,
And inferior.
While the main crop,
Which are the true figs,
Ripens in the Fall.
A fig tree
With no breba crop
In the Spring
Will not bear
True figs in the Fall.
The tree